Budgie syntax for static variables behaves almost identically to the member equivalents. Accessing them takes in the class name instead of an instance reference.
Additionally, static members may declare an initial value as a final parameter.
class start : AnglePrinter
static variable declare : private rightAlias string "right"
static variable declare : private rightAmount int 90
member function declare start : public PrintAngle string angle int
if start : { operation : angle (equal to) { static variable : private AnglePrinter rightAmount } }
return : { static variable : private AnglePrinter rightAlias }
if end
return : { string format : ("{0} degrees") angle int }
member function declare end
class end
In C#:
class AnglePrinter
private static string rightAlias = "right";
private static int rightAmount = 90;
public string PrintAngle(int angle)
if (angle == AnglePrinter.rightAmount)
return AnglePrinter.rightAlias;
return string.Format("{0} degrees", angle);
In Python:
class AnglePrinter:
__right_alias = "right"
__right_amount = 90
def print_angle(self, angle):
if angle == AnglePrinter.__right_amount:
return AnglePrinter.__right_alias
return "{0} degrees".format(angle)