
Strings in Budgie are denoted with double apostrophes ("). Do not use single apostrophes or back-ticks.

Some languages, such as C#, use single apostrophes to denote single characters and not strings.


The concatenate command appends two or more strings together.

concatenate : "abc" def "ghi"
  • In C#: "abc" + def + "ghi"

  • In Python: "abc" + def + "ghi"


Some languages, such as JavaScript and Ruby, do not recognize a difference between a one-length string, or char, and an arbitrary-length string. Less high-level languages, such as C# and Java, consider them to be a char.

variable : a char 'a'
  • In C#: char a = 'a';

  • In Python: a = "a"


Individual characters in a string may be indexed with the string index command. It takes in a string and a character index int, and returns a char.

variable : text string "abc"
variable : first char { string index : text 0 }

In C#:

string text = "abc";
char first = text[0];

In Python:

text = "abc"
first = text[0]


The string format command allows inserting primitives into a format string. It takes in a single format string, then any number of input name & type pairs. Format strings are string literals with any number of bracket-surrounded numbers inside, with the format {#}.

variable : foo string "foo"
variable : bar int 7

string format : ("Foo: {0}") foo string
string format : ("Foo: {0}; Bar: {1}") foo string bar int

In C#:

string foo = "foo";
int bar = 7;

string.Format("Foo: {0}", "Foo: {0}");
string.Format("Foo: {0}; Bar: {1}", foo, bar);

In Python:

foo = "foo"
bar = 7

"Foo: {0}".format(foo)
"Foo: {0}; Bar: {1}".format(foo, bar)

Some languages, such as C# and Python above, use string formatting with numeric insertion points into the template string. Some, such as JavaScript, boil down to concatenating them together. As a result, it is not allowed to use the same {#} number multiple times in the format string.


The string index of command can be used to determine whether a substring exists within a string. It returns the index of the substring if found, or the equivalent of the string index not found command if not found. It may also take in an optional third parameter as an integer position within the string to start searching at, if not 0.

variable : haystack string ("Hello, Budgie!")
variable : needle string "Budgie"
variable : firstIndexOf int { string index of : haystack needle }
variable : secondIndexOf int { string index of : haystack needle { operation : firstIndexOf plus { string length : needle } } }

print : { string format : ("Found a first result at: {0}.") firstIndexOf int }

if start : { operation : secondIndexOf (not equal to) { string index not found } }
    print : { string format : ("Found a second result at: {0}.") secondIndexOf int }
if end

In C#:

using System;

string haystack = "Hello, Budgie!";
string needle = "Budgie";
int firstIndexOf = haystack.IndexOf(needle);
int secondIndexOf = haystack.IndexOf(needle, firstIndexOf + needle.Length);

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Found a first result at: {0}.", firstIndexOf));

if (secondIndexOf != -1)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Found a second result at: {0}.", secondIndexOf));

In Python:

haystack = "Hello, Budgie!"
needle = "Budgie"
firstIndexOf = haystack.find(needle)
secondIndexOf = haystack.find(needle, firstIndexOf + len(needle))

print("Found a first result at: {0}.".format(firstIndexOf))

if secondIndexOf != -1:
    print("Found a second result at: {0}.".format(secondIndexOf))

Last updated

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