
The concept of a data structure with mapped keys to values changes drastically across output languages. All support some form of creating a dictionary and getting or setting values in it.

Create a new dictionary with dictionary new, which takes in the key and value types of the dictionary. Accessing members is done with dictionary get and setting is done with with dictionary set.

variable : counts { dictionary type : string int } { dictionary new : string int }
dictionary set : counts "apple" 3

variable : apple string { dictionary get : counts "apple" }

In C#:

Dictionary<string, int> counts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
counts["apple"] = 3;

string apple = counts["apple"];

In Python:

counts = {}
counts["apple"] = 3

apple = counts["apple"]

Alternately, create a multi-line initialization with dictionary new start, which is otherwise identical, and dictionary new end. Describe each pair of initial values inside with dictionary pair, which takes in the key type, value type, and a , if it isn't the last pair of initialization.

variable start : counts { dictionary type : string int } { dictionary new start : string int }
    dictionary pair : "apple" 3 ,
    dictionary pair : "banana" 2
dictionary new end

In C#:

Dictionary<string, int> counts = new Dictionary<string, int>
    { "apple", 3 },
    { "banana", 2 }

In Python:

counts = {
    "apple": 3,
    "banana": 2

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