
All languages have some way of representing a breaking error state, or exception, that indicates control flow must be halted. Exceptions may be created and thrown, also known as raised, and later caught, also known as rescued, by some calling code. Budgie refers to these operations as catching and throwing exceptions.


The built-in exception class for an output language is represented in Budgie by the exception command, which receives a single string as input. It can be thrown with the throw command.

throw : { exception } ("Oh no!")

In C#:

throw new Exception("Oh no!");

In Python:

raise Exception("Oh no!")


All supported languages have some variant of the following three code blocks:

  • Try: runs some code that might throw an error

  • Catch: handles any error thrown by the try section

  • Finally: runs regardless of whether an error was thrown

Each of these are considered their own distinct blocks with a start and end in Budgie. The catch section also takes in the name of a general exception.

try start
    throw : { exception } ("Oh no!")
try end
catch start : error
    print : ("Found an error.")
catch end
finally start
    comment line : ...
finally end

In C#:

    throw new Exception("Oh no!");
catch (Exception error)
    Console.WriteLine("Found an error.");
    // ...

In Python:

    raise Exception("Oh no!")
except Exception as error:
    print("Found an error.")
    # ...

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